Natsumi Takahashi, the heroine of Neko Metaru's original work "Spohame," is now a colorful figure from Lovely! She strikes a cheeky pose in her chaps-style sweatpants and crop top, with the vivid lime green of her pants making the blue gradient in her pale hair really stand out! Interchangeable body parts are included so she can be displayed with less coverage (check out her tan lines!), and a student ID card is also included! She also comes with a base to stand on. Order her for your own private collection today!
[Figure Size]: Approximately 30cm tall, including base
[Materials]: PVC, ABS
This figure depicts full or partial nudity and is not intended for immature hobbyists. Please be aware that customs regulations for your country may prevent this figure from being delivered to you (contact your country's customs agency if you have questions about this). Parental regulations may also prevent you from receiving it. Please use discretion when ordering.
Details Code: LOV81612 JAN Code: 4589565816128 Release Date: 2024/09/11 Category: Figures Series: Original Character Item Type: Completed Models Manufacturer: Lovely Item Size/Weight: 35 x 18 x 18 cm / 1120g