Rui Asuka from the doujinshi series "Magical Girl" drawn by the popular illustrator Raita is now a fantastic figure from Daiki Kogyo! Her bold pose and tiny sailor suit make this figure unforgettable, as well as her immense sword! The front of her shirt and her panties can be removed if you'd like to display her with less coverage; an interchangeable surprised facial expression is included, as is an alternate lower body and a liquid part. She can also be displayed with or without her large bejeweled collar and sword. Her uniquely shaped base is included too. Order her for your own private collection today!
[Figure Size]: Approximately 29cm tall
[Materials]: PVC
This figure depicts full or partial nudity and is not intended for immature hobbyists. Please be aware that customs regulations for your country may prevent this figure from being delivered to you (contact your country's customs agency if you have questions about this). Parental regulations may also prevent you from receiving it. Please use discretion when ordering.